Home Services
Product Implementation and Upgrades
- Our dedicated in-house team has over 100 years of collective technical, functional, and quantitative Summit-specific experience.
- Our Summit subject matter experts provide high-level technology, database architecture, project planning, gap identification, management, and execution advisory for C-level to business and functional stakeholders.
- We have strong expertise and experience in conceptualizing, scoping, budgeting, managing, and executing projects and applications across a breadth of complexity.
- Over 2020-21 our team has scoped and delivered six major and complex upgrade and RFR-related projects.
- We provide 24×7 support and services model for onsite and cloud-based Summit installations and applications.
- We work very closely with Finastra’s Summit sales, product development, global services, and support teams for independent and jointly executed project.
Test Automation
- Our Summit Test Automation (STA) is a state-of-the-art platform created on latest generation of code base with industry-leading flexibility and reliability.
- GreenPoint STA has been created to avoid and mitigate the gaps and shortcomings of other vendor platforms created on legacy platforms
- STA is designed for conducting multiple tests for trade capture, business process automation testing, ad hoc releases with a framework to build standard coding to test the batch scripts.
- STA enables users to manage test cases, plan, write custom SQL queries and compare the data between source and target environment to generate live test results and reports.
- Greenpoint STA has the following been created from the ground up with modern software with the following capabilities:
- Trade Capture Testing
- GreenPoint STA platform enables end-to-end trade capture testing with 100% accuracy to avoid costly delays in upgrades, enhancements, and new product/instrument testing.
- Interface Testing
- Unlike other test automation platforms, STA provides comprehensive upstream and downstream systems integrated with Summit.
- Batch Jobs Testing
- STA is capable of automated testing a substantial number of batch jobs.
- Trade Capture Testing
- Patch release testing
- Our STA platform performs rapid testing of patches as integrated part of institutions’ technical architecture across all upstream and downstream systems and functions.
- On-Line Testing
- GreenPoint STA is designed to provide live testing by booking a dummy trade and test against pre and post booking to compare the results in live modes for new products, static data changes and security patches.
LIBOR Replacement Simulation Tool
- From ideation, development, testing and implementation, our Summit SMEs develop new add-ons and enhancement across multiple third-party database and system platforms.
- We have developed, tested, and implemented Libor Replacement Simulation Tool (LRST) for summit implementations at several institutions. LRST is part of Finastra’s Summit product catalogue.
- We are currently developing several tools including convexity adjustments for LIBOR/RFR transition.
Curve Construction and Management
- Our quantitative teams are recognized as one of the best in the industry for curve-construction, reconciliation, and validation.
- Most recently we have undertaken and successfully executed several highly complex LIBOR/RFR transition project for large global banks.
- Our Summit curve expertise and experience extends from G7 single-currency curves to multi-currency curves across currencies with lower trading volumes and data points.
- We have in-depth familiarity interpolation and smoothening technologies with Summit and specialized methodologies.
- We have extensive curve creation and reconciliation documentation for internal and regulatory validation.
- Our curve testing and reconciliation methodologies and processes are integrated with our Summit Test Automation platform.
Valuation Model Validation and Documentation
- Our quantitative analysis and research teams collectively have decades of experience in complex model creation, development, software coding and testing.
- We have undertaken valuation model library replacements from third-party vendors to summit for complex multi-currency portfolios across universal sets of instrument types
- We have enabled our clients to migrate their accounting and risk valuation models for across model library providers with extremely high reconciliation thresholds.
- Our SMEs have deep experience in internal and regulatory model validation across several major regulatory jurisdictions.
- We have a comprehensive library of model documentation that can be readily used for internal and regulatory model validation.
Portfolio Archiving and Cloud Services
- We have strong and tested capabilities in Summit cloud application and installations including Finastra’s FFDC platform.
- With our portfolio archiving platform, Summit clients can migrate, backup and seamlessly manage static and market data for trades, curves and models across multiple Summit instances.
- Our platform enables clients to manage and optimize hardware/cloud costs with enhanced efficiency for creating new trades, resetting market data and management of batch and real-time processes.